Retention of listeners
General information

The retention report allows you to see how many of the users who listened to the radio station on the selected day listened to it again in the following days, weeks or months.

Retention of listeners is one of the most important indicators. It is the return of listeners that determines the popularity of the radio station. Without listeners who come back there will be no popularity.

In the case of a drop in the absolute number of listeners who return or their percentage ratio, there is a reason to seriously think about whether you are getting into the target audience or perhaps some changes in the air have led to a drop. The growth of the retention rate indicates that, in general, your actions are correct. It is good to monitor during the ongoing changes in the air.
Why do you need this report:
To generate the report, you need to select the target date and the dimension of the user return calculation intervals.
The report consists of a graph and a table.

The graph for each station in the form of a line shows the percentage of returning users in each of the intervals following the selected target date. The target date itself is indicated as 100%.

One row is displayed in the table for each interval, in which the number of returned users and their percentage of the number on the target date are indicated for each station.
The report consists of: