All about your audience

Radio station listener analytics service on the Internet

The system reports will show what audience you have, where it is from, how it reacts to broadcast, what needs to be broadcast and what to remove, how many people listened to the advertisement on the air. Let's connect to your broadcast server or start broadcasting your station with analytics in 2 working days. Just contact us, and we will tell you what you need to do to connect
20+ reports focused on the activities of the radiostation. You will find anywhere such detailed reports answering the questions of radio broadcasters
We activate the service within two working days or start broadcast within one working day by analytics
1000 peak listeners in a month
25 $
If you do not know your current peak value of listeners, we can make a two-week test connection without obligations, after which we will name the exact rate
Disconnect in a case the price or the level of service do not satisfy you
Contact us for a 2-week free access
Uploading data
Data transfer to the BI system
You can to upload data about all your listeners in the Excel table form
You can connect any BI system to the processed data and create your reports. QlikView, Google Data Studio, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau
Send a link to a specific report
Data verification*
You can give a link to a specific report with defined data to another interested person, for example, an advertising agency. At that changing the dates and varying the report will not be possible
You can audit the radio statistics system data with the help of an external data auditor Weborama and make sure that the data is correct
* the option is only available with Radio-box streaming
What else can be done in addition to the reports